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Agency-Led Public Mtg on Groundwater Treatment (Livestream)

Join us at this public meeting that will cover the Department of Energy's interim cleanup plan for fast-tracking treatment of some groundwater contaminants (technetium-99 and uranium), before a final cleanup plan is put into place. DOE will be talking about the different groundwater cleanup plans they evaluated and their preferred action which includes adding some extraction wells for removing and treating groundwater in three parts of the Hanford site. As Hanford Challenge prepares comments, we will be sharing our concerns with you and resources to submit your own comments, stay tuned!

Here's the link to join the meeting;
ID #: 736-391-531

To particpate via phone:
1. Dial +1 509-372-3087 (local) or +1 800-664-0771 (long distance)
2. Enter Conference ID: 1333#