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Agency-Led Public Mtg on Hanford's Budget Priorities(Livestream)

Join us at the agency-led briefing of Hanford's priorities for Hanford cleanup at the annual Budget Priorities Public Meeting. The presentations will be shared through go-to-meeting and participants will be able to ask questions through the chat feature. Hanford Challenge is interested in making sure Hanford cleanup is funded to meet all requirements and legal-obligations. It is critical to reduce the risks that escalate when budget cuts delay the safe removal, treatment and isolation of Hanford's dangerous inventories of radioactive and chemical waste. The Department of Energy is taking comments on its budget proposal for the fiscal year 2022 through July 15th.

Stay tuned for our comment writing guide and more information about DOE's budget proposal.

You can view the presentation, hear the speakers and ask your questions. Here's the link to participate:;
ID #: 736-391-531

To particpate via phone:
1. Dial +1 509-372-3087 (local) or +1 800-664-0771 (long distance)
2. Enter Conference ID: 1333#