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Traditional Knowledge - Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Experiences with Federal Agencies


Federally recognized tribal government officials and indigenous organization representatives will share their experiences working with federal agencies to appropriately consider traditional knowledge in their decision-making processes. They will also share their insights and recommendations for how this work can be done more effectively. This webinar is the second of a mini-series on traditional knowledge.


  • John Brown, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Narragansett Indian Tribe

  • Mike Durglo, Tribal Historic Preservation Department Head, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

  • La Crivello, Ala Kahakai Trail Association (Hawaii)

  • Valerie Hauser, Director, Native American Affairs, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

  • Danny Gogal, Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Program Manager, Office of Environmental Justice, U.S. EPA (Facilitator)

Please note that the webinar is being recorded and will be available on the following EPA website:

This webinar is part of the U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Webinar Series for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples - to build the capacity of tribal governments, indigenous peoples and other environmental justice practitioners, and discuss priority environmental justice issues of interest to tribes and indigenous peoples.